Chicken Bhuna

Chicken Bhuna or “Bhuna Murg” is a flavourful curry dish. The word “Bhuna” is not the name of the dish but the method. In this method, the meat is cooked in its juice with spices leaving a super reduced and very intensely flavoured sauce. Perfect for eating with chapati or naan

To prepare “Chicken Bhuna” oil is an essential ingredient. You need enough oil, to get the right texture of “Bhuna” as hardly any water is added for cooking, but it is so delicious to worth those extra calories!

This time I have used Cornish hen. I cut it in pieces with the skin on.  As it is a young, immature chicken, the skin does not have much fat, but sufficient to provide the right amount of fat for our Bhuna method. Besides, it cooks very quickly.

It is such a delicious and rich dish that makes you want to lick your fingers!

Chicken Bhuna



  • Two Cornish hen cut into pieces with the skin
  • One large onion, chopped
  • Two tomatoes cut into small pieces
  • One tablespoon ginger-garlic paste
  • Three tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste


  • One bay leaf
  • One cinnamon stick
  • 4-5 green cardamoms
  • 4-5 black peppers
  • One teaspoon turmeric powder
  • One and a half teaspoon cumin powder
  • One teaspoon coriander powder
  • One teaspoon chilli powder

   For the garnish:

  • Half teaspoon garam masala



-Mix all powdered spices with a little bit of water and set it aside.

-Heat the oil in a pan and add the whole spices (laurel, cinnamon, cardamom, and black pepper).

– Add chopped onion. Fry them until golden. Then add ginger-garlic paste. Sauté for a few seconds and pour the spice mixture that we have reserved before.

-Sauté for a few seconds until the spices separate from the oil. Then add tomatoes, chicken, and salt.

-Mix everything well and cook over medium heat until the chicken pieces are golden.

– Then pour a glass of water. Rectify the salt and let it cook over medium heat. When the water has reduced completely, and the sauce looks very juicy (as in the photo), turn off the heat.

– Sprinkle with garam masala and serve with Chapati or Naan bread.

Tips and Tricks:

  • In this recipe, the meat has to be cooked in its juice. But as I used Cornish hen, it hardly released any water. That is why I added a small amount of water so that the meat is cooked perfectly.

  • You can use any meat, but I recommend using meat with bones instead of boneless.

    Chicken Bhuna

Related Basics:

Chicken Bhuna

Chicken Bhuna

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Cuisine India
Servings 4
Calories 180 kcal


  • Two Cornish hen cut into pieces with the skin
  • One large onion, chopped
  • Two tomatoes cut into small pieces
  • One tablespoon ginger-garlic paste
  • Three tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste


  • One bay leaf
  • One cinnamon stick
  • 4-5 green cardamoms
  • 4-5 black peppers
  • One teaspoon turmeric powder
  • One and a half teaspoon cumin powder
  • One teaspoon coriander powder
  • One teaspoon chilli powder

For the garnish

  • Half teaspoon garam masala


  • Mix all powdered spices with a little bit of water and set it aside.
  • Heat the oil in a pan and add the whole spices (laurel, cinnamon, cardamom, and black pepper).
  • Add chopped onion. Fry them until golden. Then add ginger-garlic paste. Sauté for a few seconds and pour the spice mixture that we have reserved before.
  • Sauté for a few seconds until the spices separate from the oil. Then add tomatoes, chicken, and salt.
  • Mix everything well and cook over medium heat until the chicken pieces are golden.
  • Then pour a glass of water. Rectify the salt and let it cook over medium heat. When the water has reduced completely and the sauce looks very juicy (as in the photo), turn off the heat.
  • Sprinkle with garam masala and serve with chapati or naan bread.


Tips and Tricks:

  • In this recipe, the meat has to be cooked in its juice. But as I used Cornish hen, it hardly released any water. That is why I added a small amount of water so that the meat is cooked perfectly.
  • You can use any meat, but I recommend using meat with bones instead of boneless.


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