Gulab Jamun

Gulab Jamun is a very popular sweet throughout the Indian subcontinent. They are small-sized balls made with milk solid. The word Gulab comes from the Persian and means “flower in the water” and Jamun comes from Hindi which refers to a fruit like the plum. It is also known as Lal Mohan in Bangladesh and Nepal.

This dessert is usually prepared for holidays such as Eid, Holi, Diwali, Navaratri, etc. Traditionally in India Gulab Jamun is prepared with Khoya which is a dairy solid. The milk solids are prepared by heating the milk over low heat for a long time until most of the water has evaporated. Then they are kneaded with a little flour, and small balls are formed. Then they are fried at a low temperature. Apart from this, a light sugar syrup is prepared, which is flavoured with cardamom and rose water. These fried small balls are soaked in this sugar syrup, and finally, you get the soft juicy Gulab Jamun ready to enjoy.

The preparation of Khoya, as it is so laborious, can be substituted by powdered milk. But in this case, I always recommend you full cream powdered milk. Here is the complete step by step recipe.


  • 100g full cream milk powder
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 2 teaspoons of melted butter or Ghee
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • Milk for kneading (instead of water)

 For the sugar syrup:

  • 150g sugar
  • 200ml water
  • 3 green cardamoms
  • Rosewater (optional)



Making the sugar syrup:

-First, we are going to make the sugar syrup.

-Put water, sugar, and cardamom in a pot on medium heat. Let it boil until it turns slightly sticky and leaves it there on a very low flame to keep it hot.

-Meanwhile, prepare the milk balls.

Making Gulab Jamun balls:

-In a bowl put flour, milk powder and baking powder.

-Add the melted butter or Ghee and mix it with the dry ingredients.

-Then gradually add milk and start making the dough. The milk must be at room temperature.

-Mix everything to get a smooth dough but do not knead. Gently mix.

-Grease your hand with a little melted butter or oil. Take small portions of dough and with light hand, putting minimum pressure, make smooth crack free little balls in between your palms.

Making Gulab Jamun:

-Put a pot with plenty of oil on medium heat. Make sure it is not very hot. It should be medium hot otherwise gulab jamun will be brown without cooking inside.

-Add all the balls at a time and fry them over medium-low heat until golden. Keep stirring gently to fry them uniformly.

-Remove them to a plate and let them cool down a bit.

-Add the warm fried balls to the hot syrup and turn off the fire. Leave them into the syrup for at least three hours to soak them well.

-Serve warm or at room temperature.

Gulab jamun

Related Basics:


Gulab Jamun

Gulab Jamun

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Resting Time 2 hours
Total Time 45 minutes
Cuisine India
Servings 6
Calories 315 kcal


Making the sugar syrup:

  • First, we are going to make the sugar syrup.
  • Put water, sugar, and cardamom in a pot on medium heat. Let it boil until it turns slightly sticky and leaves it there on a very low flame to keep it hot.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the milk balls.

Making Gulab Jamun balls:

  • In a bowl put flour, milk powder and baking powder.
  • Add the melted butter or Ghee and mix it with the dry ingredients.
  • Then gradually add milk and start making the dough. The milk must be at room temperature.
  • Mix everything to get a smooth dough but do not knead. Gently mix.
  • Grease your hand with a little melted butter or oil. Take small portions of dough and with light hand, putting minimum pressure, make smooth crack free little balls in between your palms.

Making Gulab Jamun:

  • Put a pot with plenty of oil on medium heat. Make sure it is not very hot. It should be medium hot otherwise gulab jamun will be brown without cooking inside.
  • Add all the balls at a time and fry them over medium-low heat until golden. Keep stirring gently to fry them uniformly.
  • Remove them to a plate and let them cool down a bit.
  • Add the warm fried balls to the hot syrup and turn off the fire. Leave them into the syrup for at least three hours to soak them well.
  • Serve warm or at room temperature.

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