Mango and Ginger Chutney

The mango and ginger Chutney which I bring you today it´s a little bit different. It has a different texture than the Chutneys we usually found; it is slightly al dente rather than a thick chutney. This because the mango pieces are cooked with a lot of vinegar and sugar.

In our country, this mango chutney is prepared with green mango, but here as it is difficult to find green mango, I have chosen mangoes with a firm texture, not very ripe. We also need ginger and red dried chillies which give a touch of flavour to this mango chutney.

It is a delicious chutney with fantastic taste and texture!

Mango and Ginger Chutney



  • 400g mango cut into small cubes
  • 2-3cm piece of ginger cut into thin strips
  • 2-3 dried red chillies
  • 300g sugar
  • 250ml white vinegar
  • Salt to taste



-Peel and cut the mango into small cubes.

-Remove the seeds from the chilli with the help of scissors and a toothpick. Then cut them into thin slices.

-Put a pan on medium flame with sugar, salt and vinegar.

-When the sugar is dissolved and starts to boil, add the pieces of mango and ginger.

-Lower the flame and let it cook gently for about 30 minutes until the mixture turns syrupy and the mango pieces become transparent.

-Add the chopped dry red chillies, stir everything carefully and turn off the fire.

-Store it immediately in a pre-sterilized glass jar and seal with the lid tightly. Put the jar upside down and leave it there for 12 hours.

-Once open, store it in the refrigerator and consume it within four weeks.

Mango and Ginger Chutney

Tips and Tricks:

  • To prepare this Chutney, you have to choose mangoes with a firm texture, not very ripe.
Mango and Ginger Chutney

Mango and Ginger Chutney

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Cuisine India
Calories 175 kcal


  • 400g mango cut into small cubes
  • 2-3cm pieces of ginger cut into thin strips
  • Two-three dried red chillies
  • 300g sugar
  • 250ml white vinegar
  • Salt to taste


  • Peel and cut the mango in small cubes.
  • Remove the seeds from the chilli with the help of scissors and a toothpick. Then cut them into thin slices.
  • Put a pan on medium flame with sugar, salt and vinegar.
  • When the sugar is dissolved and starts to boil, add the pieces of mango and ginger.
  • Lower the flame and let it cook gently for about 30 minutes until the mixture turns syrupy and the mango pieces become transparent.
  • Add the chopped dry red chillies, stir everything carefully and turn off the fire.
  • Store it immediately in a pre-sterilized glass jar and seal with the lid tightly. Put the jar upside down and leave it there for 12 hours.
  • Once opened, store it in the refrigerator and consume it within 4 weeks.


Trips and Tricks:

  • To prepare this Chutney you have to choose mangoes with a firm texture, not very ripe.

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